Recently, I have looked into how to measure electrodermal activity (EDA) using an Arduino board. A traditional theory of EDA states, that it varies with the skin changes of sweat glands, thus altering the electrical resistance. EDA is modulated as outcome of cognitive processes, emotions, and general human behavior. The […]
Yearly Archives: 2017
The IoT (Internet of Things) conference was held in Linz (Austria) this year. Mario Aehnelt (Fraunhofer IGD Rostock, Germany), Sebastian Büttner (Institute Industrial IT/SmartFactoryOWL, Germany), Markus Funk (TU Darmstadt), and I organized a workshop to discuss HCI topics within the area of IoT. What does IoT exactly mean, how we will interact with smart devices […]
The Stuttgart hciLab and the Munich HCI groups (LMU) met this week at the Solsteinhaus for an interdisciplinary doctoral colloquium. This included the presentation of various PhD topics, including virtual reality, eye tracking, affective computing, physiological sensing, or persuasive systems. This was rounded off with leisure activities, such as hiking and zip-lining. Overall, the colloquium […]
Two weeks ago, the conference CHI’17 has ended which was located in Denver this year. Besides of attending interesting talks and meeting inspiring people, we had the opportunity to present our project “Tactile Drones” at CHI. Tactile drones are small levitating tangibles, which deliver tactile feedback in VR [1]. This happens whether by […]