After four successful years, our research project motionEAP comes to an end. It was fun to work with a project consortium consisting of different associations, such as industry, sheltered work organizations, and other universities. The project comprises the evaluation of in-situ projections at workplaces to support workers during their assembly […]
The conference ASSETS’16 (which was held this year in Reno, Nevada) aims to design and evaluate computing technologies for people with disabilities and older adults. The conference offered interesting publications, talks, and an awesome community. The keynote by Richard Ladner addressed accessibility as a field of research which can not […]
On October 13 2016, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy organized presentations and exhibitions from a project group called “AUTONOMIK 4.0” (translated: Autonomic 4.0) in Berlin. The projects addresses the enhancement of digital processes in industrial work environments to boost and optimize production processes. This includes order picking drones, simulating […]
Recently, measuring brain activity (known as electroencephalography, short EEG) to enhance or analyze the experience of user interfaces has attracted great attention. Besides of medical applications, several researchers have investigated effort to make use of it in the area of human-computer interaction, resulting in several projects and publications ([1, 2, 3], just to […]